In Jewish and early Christian tradition their days were structured around pausing to pray - morning, midday, and evening. We see this in the life of Jesus and with the apostles in the early church and we want to recover this historic practice.
As part of our communal rhythms we encourage everyone to read scripture in the morning, there is a great tool to help us do this is called BREAD, find out more by following the link. At midday, you might like to pray the Lord’s prayer or find time for 5-10mins silence on your lunch break. Finally, in the evening we invite you to do a practice called the Examen, you can learn how to do it here.
Rhythms is a tool for 3 or 4 people to meet regularly and contend for the kinds of patterns in each other’s lives that will help one another be with Jesus, become like him and do the things he did.
They are designed to be groups that are safe enough to heal but dangerous enough to grow and are therefore vehicles for bringing about genuine transformation in each other’s lives.
You can find out more about Rhythms Groups here.
Each time you meet you will be prayerfully and practically contending for breakthrough for each other. This is about giving space for each person to share and being prayed for.
The prayer hub is for those who simply have a heart to gather and contend in prayer for the things that move our hearts for Cornwall and beyond.
Meeting fortnightly on Thursday evenings starting at 7.30 pm for tea/coffee - with the aim to pray by 7.45 pm! The prayer hub meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month.You can sign up here.
On the first, third and fifth Wednesday of the month and sometimes Thursdays at 10am-11am, the Prayer Walking Hub meets at different locations to prayer walk.
This involves walking around an area, seeking God's heart for that place and community, praying blessings and having a few conversations and interactions with people along the way.
Each walk is done inside an hour and wont be too fast paced or treacherous!
You can sign up here and find out more information of where the prayer walks will be taking place.
We want prayer and worship to fuel everything that we do at St Gregory’s, to keep Jesus front and centre and to seek His voice. So we meet the first Thursday of the month for extended worship and to pray at Seek First.
7pm for a cuppa, 7.15pm start | First Thursday of each month | St Columb Minor Church Hall, TR7 3EY