Daily // Weekly // Monthly //
Daily // Weekly // Monthly //
Celtic communities used to have a shared ‘Rule of Life.’ A Rule of Life was like a trellis, a structure which helped them grow in the right direction; a set of practices and rhythms to move them towards Jesus and live as free people.
The Rhythms of St Gregory’s are practices that give us a shared shape to our lives. Daily, weekly and monthly rhythms to help us as a community to grow towards Jesus by being with him, becoming like him and doing what he did.
Each morning we love to spend some time reading scripture. In 2025, we are inviting the whole church to join us in BREAD. It is a simple way to read and reflect on a passage of Scripture each day. For more info visit our BREAD page.
It could be as simple as saying the Lord’s Prayer at noon each day, perhaps set an alarm to remind you! Or you might like to take 5-10mins to practice silence during your lunch break.
Take time to consider the places and people that need to encounter heaven on earth.
“The Examen is an immediate solution to the problem of ‘what do I pray about?’ The answer is: everything that's happened to you today. You might have the impression that your everyday life is the dreary same old, same old. It isn't. Daily life is rich and meaningful. Every encounter, every challenge, every disappointment, and every delight is a place where God can be found.” Jim Manney
Include the examen in your bedtime routine. To learn more about the examen follow this link.
Life can easily become very busy and we see from scripture that Jesus made rest a priority and we believe in doing the same.
Choose a day, each week, where you intentionally take time to rest. Explore the theme of rest by learning more about slowing and sabbath.
Fasting is a great rhythm to grow in self-control.
Choose a day to fast each week. As some struggle to do this alone we suggest practicing this rhythm on a Thursday.
If you want to understand more about how to fast safely follow this link.
For the last two thousand years the church has committed to gathering on a Sunday to worship Jesus, read the bible together and spend time with one another.
Committing to weekly gatherings with other Christians is one of the most formative spiritual disciplines.
You can find out more about our Sunday gatherings here.
We believe in family and for a healthy family to function everyone gets to play their part.
We encourage everyone to find a place to serve for the simple reason that we believe you’ll get the most out of St Gregory’s by giving the most to it.
We are inviting everyone to sign up to serve on a team at least once a month.
Find out more about the different teams here.
We want to be a family who practice hospitality.
Once a month invite someone, or a group, to eat and celebrate with you.
Jesus said, “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” This means our bank statements reveal where our affections lie.
We invite people to give monthly to the work of St. Gregorys. We encourage this because, yes, money releases vision; but it also means hearts are being invited.
You can find out more information about how to give here.